Santa Clara County Construction Careers Association

S4CA is a winning combination of industry, education, government and community organizations focused on promoting career opportunities in the construction industry.


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 Inside S4CA

Interested in what we do? Here are some projects and events we are involved in.


Virtual Design and Construction

S4CA offers a workforce program which teaches a safe and environmentally conscious method of developing the built environment through a PBL Lab style of AEC Teamwork (project-based learning) to concepts of and effective use of Virtual Design and Construction.


Gateway at Millbrae Station

As part of the BART's initiative to encourage Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Gateway at Millbrae Station is a neighborhood-defining community delivering quality spaces for people to live, work, shop, and dine. Located at the Millbrae BART Station, this project will enhance the surrounding community and assist in developing sustainable transit ridership.


S4CA Project Exhibition

S4CA presented over $4,000 in awards and prizes at its annual Student Project Exhibition on May 13. This year’s theme was “The McDonald’s Challenge – a Design Experience”. Students were asked to focus on one or two design aspects that could be incorporated into future McDonald restaurants. Judges from industry visited 80 student project booths and listened to student presentations. Thirty-one winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony that was held at the end of the judging period.

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